Your company bills keep rising and you’re looking for ways to save on your utility bills? Get an energy audit! A professional energy audit is an easy, pain-free way for your business to save a significant amount of money over time. Using a variety of techniques and equipment, an auditor assesses how much energy your business consumes and maps out steps to become more efficient. |
Here are a few energy-saving tips: Turn off screen-savers. Many people don’t realize that monitors suck up the majority of the energy used to fuel computer systems. If your business requires that computers remain on at night, make it a company-wide policy to at least switch off the monitors before leaving the office.
Think fluorescent. Incandescent bulbs consume a great deal more energy than compact fluorescent bulbs. New technologies such as occupant sensors can further reduce the energy use of fluorescent fixtures.
Give your building a tune-up. Recent advances can reduce energy use by up to 50 percent, regardless of the size of your office. If your lighting and heating/cooling systems are more than 10 years old, consider an upgrade.
These are just a few quick ideas. Contact energy audit specialists. They can give your building a boost that’ll start saving money with your next utility bills. |
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